Herbicidal Properties of Sethoxydim for the Control of Gramineous Weeds
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Herbicidal properties of a new post-emergence herbicide, sethoxydim {(±)-2-(1-ethoxyiminobutyl)-5-[2-(ethylthio)propyl]-3-hydroxycyclohex-2-enone} were evaluated mainly in a greenhouse. Sethoxydim showed excellent activity against gramineous plants other than annual bluegrass (Poa annua) and significant selectivity between grassy weeds and bloadleaved crops. Most annual grasses and perennial grasses were perfectly controlled at 0.2-0.4kg/ha and at 0.5-1.0kg/ha, respectively, whereas bloadleaved crops showed extremely high tolerance to sethoxydim. Sethoxydim was 7-8 times more active against johnsongrass (Sorghum halepence) than alloxydim-sodium. It appeared that sethoxydim was rapidly absorbed and readily basipetally translocated. Sethoxydim showed higher activity in postemergence treatment than in pre-emergence treatment. It was presumed that the cause of low activity of sethoxydim in pre-emergence treatment was attributable to its short persistence and high movement in soil.
- 日本農薬学会の論文
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