Explosive plugging method and performance test of plugging part.
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If leakage are found on the heat exchanger tube in a super heater and an evaporater by the in-service inspection, and they are found to be unsuitable for further service, we must apply the plug in that tube and keep effectiveness of the plant.We have two methods to plug in the heat exchanger tube. One is a welding process, the other is a explosive bonding. These methods are performed in meny plants including atomic power plant. But it is questionable to plug in the heat exchanger tube in the steam generetor of fast breader reactor plant which is heated by liquid sodium. Quality of post plugging heat treatment is very important factor to the reservice of the steam generetor.So we demand the plugging method without heat treatment. This desirable method is explosive plugging.To apply this method to the"Monju", we must reserch meny patents and meny experiences of other plants, and we must develop original techniques.
- 一般社団法人 日本高圧力技術協会の論文