A Sport-pedagogical Study on Durative Competition:Based upon Survey Resources of Public High School in Saitama Prefecture in Japan
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The aims of this study are to make clear the present state of affairs on long-distance runing and walking activities in high schools in which many educators find special meaning and value among educational activities in the process of human making in Japan, and then, to inquire into the underlying thoughts.As methods for that, we used, firstly, questionnaires, and then draw statements from teacher's educational views based upon the first survey resources. Then, we made negative statements by logical procedure to each of statements, and sought to get final statements through discussion motivated by oppositions between each pair of affirmative statement and negative statement.The results are as follows;1. Durative competition should be planned, guided, and educated by the educative speciality of physical educators and other teachers.2. The pupil's evaluation should be done from the standpoints of satisfaction and attainment of the objectives coming out in the total process (containing preparatory process and the event) of the durative competition.3. Discipline with fulfillment is indispensable in high school period, and durative competition has that possibility.4. Experience of durative competition is indispensable for high school pupils so far as useful to enlarge and improve their experiential limit and quality.5. Physical fitness and mental ability discipline are two aspects of analysis of human making and these are only a language expression of essentially one in the pupil.6. With the improvement of the educational process, pupil's compelled feeling will decrease, and arise transition to guided feeling.7. It is proper to change from differentiation of distance between boys and girls in a group to individual differentiation.8. The event should be avoided to be held in high temperature season and is desirable to be held in early winter.9. You may think that the degree of improvement of pupil's support to the durative competition after the event is a standard of the success of the educational process.
- 日本スポーツ教育学会の論文
日本スポーツ教育学会 | 論文
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