ヒト下顎骨緻密骨の構造に関する研究-部位, 年齢および歯牙の有無による比較-
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Owing to the presence of teeth, the environment of the mandible is different from that of otherlong bones; it also has a unique structure crossing from the left to the right. There are few objectively anddetailed reports on the osteon and Haversian canal in human mandible.<BR>Mandibulae from 28 Japanese males of ages from 40 to 87 in the collection of the Tokyo Dental CollegeDepartment of Anatomy were used. Specimens were cross-sectioned at the median, premolar, and molarregions, and treated with HCl and NaOCl, then observed by a scanning electron microscope. The specimenswere obtained from five portions, upper and lower parts of both labial (buccal) and lingual sides, andmandibular base portion. The area percentage of the osteon and Haversian canal, the number of osteons perunit area, and the ratio of total Haversian canal area to total osteon area were measured in comparison withposition, age, and dentition.<BR>Area percentage of Haversian canal: The existence of teeth influenced the absorption of bone from Haversian canals. Area percentage of osteon: The result that area percentage in edentulous specimens washigher than that in dentulous ones. The number of osteons per unit area: The high values in edentulousspecimens suggested that an increase of the number was due to the loss of teeth. Ratio of Haversian canalto total osteon area: The values in edentulous specimens were comparatively higher than those in dentulousspecimens.
- 歯科基礎医学会の論文
歯科基礎医学会 | 論文
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