:I Isolation and characteristics of lytic bacteria against Streptococcus sanguis
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To study the fact that Streptococcus mutans predominates in place of Strepto coccus sanguis in dental plaques on the teeth initiating dental caries, isolation of lytic bacteria against Streptococcus sanguis from dental plaque was examined. Lytic abilities of bacteria were demonstrated by clear lytic zones around the colonies on an agar plate containing heated streptococci cells. A number of lyt c bacteria against Streptococcus sanguis ATCC 10558 strain was isolated from infant dental plaque samples on the pit and fissure of second milk molar experienced caries of degree CI and of intact antagonistic molar.S treptococcus mutans was also predominantly isolated from the same plaque samples on pit and fissures, but not on other surfaces of the same molars and of deciduous central incisors, on which Streptococcus sanguis was detected as major streptococci.<BR>All of lytic bacteria indicated the same characteristics and identified as Streptoc occus mutans on the basis of morphology of cells and colonies on Mitis-Salivarius agar plate, various biochemical tests, adherence abilities to smooth surfaces and productivity of insoluble polysaccharides. These lytic bacteria showed high lytic activities against only Streptococcus sanguis in the several species of streptococci isolated from the same oral cavity and against strains of cariogenic Streptococcus mutans regardless of serotypes, butl ow activities against themselves. Several strains of cariogenic Streptococcus mutans also showed lytic abilities against Str. sanguis strains. These findings suggest that lytic bacteria, havingthe characteristicsof Stretpcoccus mutans, may have taken part in the change ofthe species of streptococci in the human dental plaques at the time dental carieswas initiated.
- 歯科基礎医学会の論文
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