周辺噴流型ACVの上下揺れについて (ACV<特集>)
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In the first part of the paper, an experimental study on heaving ACV is reported, where the limits of the application of the conventional quasistatical and linear theory are also shown. In the second part, a method is proposed to estimate the effects on heaving motion of the characteristics of fans, motors or engines and duct. whict supply the peripheral nozzle with air, and it is concluded that the effects are important while they have been frequently overlooked by many researchers. Finally, a method for analyzing the overall characteristics of the heaving motion including the effects of fans, etc, is proposed within the limit of the quasistatical and linear assumption. The agreement of the theoretical estimates with the experimental results is good enough to be used for the practical purposes
- 社団法人 日本航空宇宙学会の論文
社団法人 日本航空宇宙学会 | 論文
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