A Survey on the Opinion of Patients about Drug Information in Documents at Dental Hospital Pharmacies.
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A questionnaire survey was conducted on"Patient Drug Information"in cooperation with hospital pharmacies at Tokyo Medical and Dental University Hospital, and at Hokkaido University Hospital, School of Dentistry.<BR>A significant difference was noted between the 2 hospitals in the frequency of replies stating that the information is"hard to read."As for the necessity of drug information, almost 100% of patients replied"Drug information is necessary."Most patients reported, "The sentences used are understandable."As for the usefulness of drug information, most of the patients reported"Drug information is useful". The replies suggested that patients are very interested in drug side effects. Most patients"did not research drug information"by themselves, because they"don't know how to collect information"or they"don't have time to do so."<BR>The above findings suggest that"Patient Drug Information"is fairly well understood and used by patients. However, drug information should be written in a more legible and understandable style.
- 日本歯科薬物療法学会の論文
日本歯科薬物療法学会 | 論文
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