Effect of Environmental Factors on Growth Characteristics of Rotatoria.
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Small aquatic rotatoria are the typical micrometazoa found frequently in the activated sludge and bio-film from wastewater treatment system. Effect of environmental factors on growth characteristics of aquatic rotatoria, <I>Philodina erythrophthalma, Rotaria rotatoria, Lecane luna</I> were investigated. Using a sterilized activated sludge as the micrometazoa food, the monoxenic growth rate of small rotatoria, the effects of temperature, pH, phosphate buffer solution concentration, shake stress, food concentration were measured. Optimum temperature of <I>P. erythrophthalma, R. rotatoria, L. luna</I> were 30, 30, 25°C, respectively. Phosphate buffer concentration which could grow normally were 1/25 M for all rotatoria. The optimum pH valuesin cultivating the rotatoria ranged from 5 to 9. The endurance of <I>P. erythrophthalma</I> and <I>R. rotatoria</I> against shake stress was higher than that of <I>L. luna</I>.
- 日本水処理生物学会の論文
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