Growth characteristics of <I>Phormidium luridum</I> isolated from fish pond
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Growth characteristics of <I>Phormidium luridum</I> isolated from fish culture pond were investigated in various nutrient concentrations.Cultivations were carried out at 25°C in continuous light illumination with cool-white fluorecent lamps at 1, 3001x.<BR>Maximl growth was obtained at an initial pH value of 8.3 in Gorham's medium. Nitrite and nitrate were significantly effective for the growth of <I>P.luridum</I> as nitrogen souces.A good growth was observed at the concentrations of 1.8mg/l for phosphorus, 1.6mg/l for potasium, 5mg/l for magnesium, 1.7mg/l for iron and 14mg/l for calcium.<I>P.luridum</I> showed a low tolerance for sodium chloride at 400mg/l.
- 日本水処理生物学会の論文
日本水処理生物学会 | 論文
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