A Study of E. H. Erikson's Concept of 'Generativity':Life Cycle and the Dynamism of Involvement
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This paper throws light on Erik H. Erikson's concept of 'generativity' as mentioned in 'adulthood, ' or the seventh stage in his theory of life cycle in which he attempts to understand human life by eight stages. The concept of 'generativity' comprises many aspects including not only 'procreativity' 'creativity, ' and 'productivity, ' but also 'teaching, ' 'the maintenance of the world, ' and 'self-generation.'<BR>I try to grasp identity, intimacy, generativity contextually. This effort shows that 'genera-tivity' is required to relate to the real world, to have awareness of significant others, and to become self-observant. Erikson states that 'Adult man need to be needed.' Although this sort of relationship is still inequal, those who are related depend upon each other, reflecting his concept of 'mutuality.' I contend that 'generativity' will be realized when a person relates to others or to the world with an awareness of 'the ability to lose oneself' in the relationship which is inequal, not equal.<BR>Generativity hands down the means to relate to others or to the world. We may consider generativity as identities which are copied and generated anew. Thereby human life generates a cycle, and it interweaves a generation cycle. 'Generativity' illuminates that life is not a preharmony, nor something entirely individual. Through numerous dynamisms and conflicts of involvement, it is complicatedly interwoven with other lives.
- 教育哲学会の論文
教育哲学会 | 論文
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