Reexamining the Body Concept in the Curriculum:Centered around an Environmental Music and 'Sound Education'
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This paper grapples with the problem of how two contradictory trends, i.e. sound education and training by 'correct' listening through the school subject of music on the one hand, and the training of bodily and time-sense discipline through noise such as chimes on the other hand, can exist side by side; it is attempted to develop a reform of the repression of body feeling resulting from this problem by searching for a feature sound scenery of the child and its systematization through environmental music.<BR>Looking at it from the angle of listening, the way of listening as music appreciation ressembling the setting of a concert hall, is repressive as it is limited to the activation of only some particular organ (hearing) of the body whereas a sound scenery created by music performed by children in a life-like setting, symbolized as 'the mystery of sound' creates every time with acuteness in the body sensation a feature of sound. The systematic grasp of the feature world of sound admitting unlimited possibilities for change, constitutes environmental music and forms the prototype of music. It turns the listener to exploratory listening by its characteristic feature of forming non-dailiness (the effect of 'dissimilation') enabling him to re-appraise anew radically the accustomed life environment. Constructing 'sound education' based on environmental music also in music practice, and revealing contradictory sound education and training is being demanded.
- 教育哲学会の論文
教育哲学会 | 論文
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