John Locke's Habit Formation as a Theory of Education:From the Viewpoint of an Integrated Structure of Body, Will and Understanding
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Habit formation constitutes an essential viewpoint in John Locke's educational theory. It exercises an influence not only on his educational thought but also on his philosophy and epistemology. In this paper the author has attempted to clarify this theory of habit formation by analyzing Locke's three concepts of body, will and understanding.<BR>According to Locke's theory habit is nothing but the habit of <I>Conduct</I>, and Conduct as such is closely related to the body and bodily action as well as to the <I>Understanding</I>. In Locke's "On the Conduct of Human Understanding" (1697) he interprets education as Habit formation, 'obedience of the will to the dictates of <I>Understanding</I>'. Hence it becomes necessary for us to understand the function of <I>will</I> by way of analyzing the 21st chapter, 'On Power', in the second volume of Locke's "An Essay Concerning Human Understanding." In this book, Locke argues that <I>Will</I> - a spiritual like Understanding - is determined by Uneasiness, Desire, i. e. by Passions. Therefore, in this paper the focus is turned on Locke's Concept of Passions of innate practical principles.
- 教育哲学会の論文
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