The Significance of John Dewey's Theory of Social Inquiry for Life-long Education
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The main theme of this study is that John Dewey's theory of "social inquiry" can be one of the philosophical foundations upon which a theory of life-long education may be built.<BR>First, in order to demonstrate this point, the relationship between education and social inquiry is explored. The connecting link between the two is the idea of "mutual growth" which is also the essence of life-long education.<BR>Second, the nature of "coinquirer" is discussed with reference to the function of a face-to-face relationship. This discussion leads to the clarification of the unique nature of a unified self which is created through the cooperative function of choice, decision, and sympathy in the process of social inquiry.<BR>Third, the idea of a learning society is examined as a matrix through which mutual growth of coninquirers is promoted. This examination includes a compara-tive analysis of Dewey's idea of a community of inquiry and the ideas of a learning society proposed by Hutchins and the Carnegie Commission.<BR>The conclusion is that continuous social inquiry, which aims at the enrichment of one' system of meanings, is an effective method to secure and promote life-long, mutual growth in a learning society.
- 教育哲学会の論文
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