Pedagogical Observations on "Nature":Clues from Locke and Rousseau
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This paper examines the meaning of "nature" in education, taking as a point of departure educational thought centered around Locke and Rousseau. In doing so, we shall draw out the two different forms of thinking concerning the awareness of nature, and then we shall examine both the postive and the negative meaning, as well as the basic characteristics of educational thought conditioned by a nature concept originating from either of these two forms of thinking. That is, the educational thought based on a scientific nature concept which, free from subjective conscience, has contributed to the intellectual liberation of man and the enlargement of self by its fundamental vein of a rational explanation of reality and the utilization of this explanation, but with the closed character of (its) conscience structure in fact, it contains a tendency to intercept the view toward a total liberation of man. On the other hand, the educational thought which draws nature into the subjective conscience and which is based on a value-reflecting normative nature concept, gave to the human being the function of criticizing the social system and has opened up the road toward complete liberation of man. It did this by perfectly subjectivising nature and adding to it a human ethos. These two concepts of nature, form the basis for characterising respecti has as its aim the formation of the "person" as such, is being visualized in contrast to a scientific knowledge (dominating knowledge) related merely to the "things" of the outside world.<BR>vely the educational theories. Among the individual theorists attention is necessarily paid to a tension or a harmony between the two. In the future it will be necessary to examine further the structure of the internal relation between these two kinds of "nature" in education.
- 教育哲学会の論文
教育哲学会 | 論文
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