Concerning Hermann Nohl's "Der Lebendige Herbart"
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Among those who are in favour of reviving, maintaining or further developing the scientific dignity of pedagoics, no one reflecting on this matter will refuse to take recourse to G.F. Herbart. However, Herbart's pedagogy since the criticism voiced by P. Natorp until today has been continuously criticised. As a consequence Herbart's pedagogy in general tends to be considered as a "dead" pedagogy belonging to the past.<BR>Starting from these considerations this paper attempts first to render a faithful account of H. Nohl's 1948 lecture "Der lebendige Herbart" which is considered as one of the postwar fundamental pieces of research concerning Herbart; then while giving a summary of various types of studies on Herbart, on one hand the attempt is made to clarify the author's own position concerning research on Herbart, and on the other to open up new vistas concerning Herbart's pedagogy. Thus we hope to contribute to the fulfilment of a need to examine its scientific and historical meaning, in particular, from the point of view of research in educational philosophy.<BR>Little is said by the author in this paper concerning problems which touch on the relation of Herbart to J.H. Pestalozzi and F.W.A. Froebel. Great care, however, has been taken in stating what others are saying on this point. It is quite possible that this point did not possess any major significance in the mind of H. Nohl, however in the author's recent book "The Research on J.F. Herbart 1966", this was a matter of great interest. And on just this point, the author feels one of the major problems concerning future research on Herbart.
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