Thomas Aquinas's Theory of the Acquisition of Knowledge
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The purpose of this paper is to expound Thomas Aquinas's theory of 'the acquisition of knowledge' (<I>acquisitio scientiae</I>), paying particular attention to his treatise on a teacher, <I>De Magistro</I>.<BR>Thomas gives two things as the prerequisites for the acquisition of knowledg -'the light of active intellect' (<I>lumen intellectus agentis</I>) and 'principles' (<I>principia</I>)- and discusses them in relation to the 'pre-existing knowledge' (<I>scientia prae-existens</I>). But this <I>pre</I>-existence is not to be regarded as suggesting precedencei n time; rather, we should interpret it in logical terms.<BR>On the other hand, Thomas maintains that the acquisition of knowledge is made by two means, that is, 'discovery' (<I>inventio</I>) and 'learning through training' (<I>disciplina</I>). This implies that teachers and students belong to a same order in a sense, while in the other sense they are at different stages. By making this point clear, Thomas definitely gives a teacher his proper place in his relationship to the students as well as to the process of the acquisition of knowledge.
- 教育哲学会の論文
教育哲学会 | 論文
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