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Plato's <I>Respublica</I>, one of the representative works in Greek educational thought, was succeeded and developed by Aristotle, especially in his <I>Ethica Nicoinachea</I> and <I>Politica</I>. According to Aristotle, man's whole intellectual activity can be divided into three classes : <I>Poiesis, praxts</I> and <I>theoria</I>.<BR>What is most remarkable in his discussion of the first of these, <I>poiesis</I>, is that he justly recognizes the significant role drama, poetry or fine arts play in the formation of an individual. Thus Plato's perception of the educational utility of art is brought to its fulfillment by Aristotle.<BR>In the analysis of <I>praxis</I> the principle of the "golden mean" is put forward as the basis of moral education; its central problem is, according to him, to make the young people able to choose this "golden mean" always correctly and keep to it as naturally as if from habit. As a Christian educationalist righly says the axiom of "Consuetudo altera natura" is typically Aristotelian.<BR>In his examination of <I>theoria</I> the main point is the defintion of the fundamental concept of intellectual education. In Arisotelian theory <I>logos</I> is regarded as the factor that is to guide the workings of <I>pathos</I> correctly to achieve the harmonious development of the whole personality.<BR>What can be seen through these considerations is that Aristotle's ideal of education bases itself on the central doctrine that the ultimate purpose of education is the all-round and perfect cultivation of every spiritual function lying potential within individual personality.
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