The Idea of Man in the 'Paradoxical' Age
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Our age may be said to be eminently paradoxical. There has been no age when humanistic values are so noisily advocated and at the same time so grievously neglected. No age has seen the ideal of harmonious perfection of individual personality so vigorously upheld and at the same time so calmly ignored. Various causes of this paradoxical situation may be enumerated, but the following three are to be listed as the most significant ones : 1. the emptiness of spiritual life, the loss of some definite and positive system of values of the Japanese people since the end of the war, 2. dehumanizing effects of mechanistic mass-society which is now the reality in modern Japan, and 3. the false conception of humanity inherent in pragmatism on the one hand and Marxism on the other, which exercised predominant influence upon the intellectual climate of the post-war Japan, including the educational circle. Especially noteworthy is the third factor, namely the idea of man proposed by pragmatism and Marxism, which, in spite of their professedly humanitarian assertions, in effect aggravated the dehumanizing tendency, <BR>The conclusion propounded after these considerations is that an existentialistic view of man firmly based upon Christian conception of human nature is the idea of humanity most needed in this 'paradoxical' age of ours.
- 教育哲学会の論文
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