Spranger on the Essential Concept of Education
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From ancient times answers to the question, "What is education" have been as varied as the people offering the answers. It is impossible to reach agreement on the matter. Using the theory of Eduard Spranger, I have tried in this essay to uncover the essential common ground of a specifically educational nature which runs through these many answers. According to Spranger, education must take a particular form according to the various age levels and essential stages of man. Education is, indeed, a very complex process, but its three functions as "support for development, " as "transmission of the cultural heritage, " and as "the awakening of conscience" are clearly revealed as its most important aspects. While considering how these, elements appear in various opinions, what their foundation and connections are, I have explored their meaning and content, giving special prominence to the "variegated unity of multitudinous facets." Finally, I compare this conception of education with the notion of "educational engineering" and with education conceived as "the technique of social manipulation, " emphasizing that education, in its ultimate sense, must aim at awakening the true self.
- 教育哲学会の論文
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