仙石線地下化における仙台駅新幹線高架橋横断工事 (特集 最近の近接施工)
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In April, 1954, the author found a breeding pair of this relict species, the Japanese Crested Ibis, Nipponia nippon. They were nesting in the forest of a deep mountain far from village. The nest was placed at 10.25 m front the ground on an overhanging branch of the old chestnut tree growing at the steep slope of about 58°. A stream was closeby and the paddies were about I kin apart. From some droppings its main food was found to be the stream crabs. The other empty old nest was on a branch of an oak at 11.65 in above the ground. The three eggs found were bluish pale grey with pale and deep brown markings on all the surface, particularly at the blunt end. On May 5, these eggs were left broken on the nest. Who or what animal did this is unclear, but such fate of eggs could be a cause of its decrease.
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- 仙石線地下化における仙台駅新幹線高架橋横断工事 (特集 最近の近接施工)
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