A Study on J.J.Rousseau's Thought of Religious Education:An Examination Focusing on his Teaching Method
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The paper examines the meaning and significance of J. J. Rousseau's method of religious education. Although Rousseau takes up religious education in "Émile", he doesn't argue what kind of methods should be used. He only inserts the famous story of "Profession de foi du vicaire Savoyard" in book 4 of "Émile". The question as to why Rousseau's "Émile" remains silent on the concrete method of religious education seems not to have been properly answered so far.<BR>This paper throws light upon this question through a reexamination of Rousseau's reminiscence, "Profession de foi du vicaire Savoyard".<BR>Through the examination the following points have been clarified : <BR>1. The reason why the inserted story is very long comes from the fact that Rousseau thinks an inner piety very important. It was necessary for him to show what inner piety is and how one comes to obtain it. So he tried to show the whole process of religious education using many pages.<BR>2. The reason why the whole process is narrated by this one priest derives from the fact that Rousseau thinks it important to put the piety into practice. He didn't try to adopt arguments on religion which would not be realized in practice.<BR>3. The fact that he adopted the style of story telling shows that he aimed at leading Emile to acquire a reason which is consistent with the mind and deal of the gospels. A story or a narrative, which utilizes both phonetic and symbolic languages, was a useful style of expression, on which Rousseau placed a high value as a measure to communicate one's thoughts and sentiments.
- 教育哲学会の論文
教育哲学会 | 論文
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