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Recent research has studied damaged fuselage panels made with CFRP laminate. The damage is removed with a squared hole and repaired with a patch. Two repair methods have been proposed. One is bonding a small CFRP patch as a time-limited repair to withstand the limit load, and the other is bonding a large CFRP patch as a permanent repair to withstand the ultimate load. Test panels repaired with these methods are loaded with tension until fracture. The test results show that a time-limited repair with the bonding small CFRP patch is possible, and that the two types of repair panels have different initial points of fracture. This paper also proposes the repair method of fastening a titanium patch as a time-limited repair. Design techniques of test panels for these three repair methods are presented, and simple methods to predict the fracture load of fastening and bonding repair are proposed. The fastening titanium patch is also shown to be possible as a time-limited repair. The test results of each repair method show that the design techniques are useful, and that simple fracture load prediction methods are highly consistent with the test results under limited test data.
- 日本航空宇宙学会の論文
高雄 善裕
汪 文学
汪 文学
高雄 善裕
中村 俊一郎
松原 監壯
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