In Vivo Measurement of the Cyclic Creep of Human Patellar Tendons Using Ultrasonography
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The cyclic creep of patellar tendons was in vivo evaluated in five male subjects. The cyclic stress (0-10 MPa) was applied to the patellar tendons by isometric knee extension contractions. The force in the patellar tendons was determined from the knee moment and the deformation of the patellar tendons was measured using ultrasonography. Stress was calculated by dividing the patellar tendon force by the patellar tendon cross-sectional area measured using ultrasonography. Strain was determined from dividing the patellar tendon deformation by the initial patellar tendon length. From these data, the stress-strain relations were obtained. The strain at the stress of 10 MPa increased from 5.9 % to 7.6 % with the cyclic loading until 10 cycles and thereafter was almost constant. The tangent modulus decreased from 322 MPa to 242 MPa with the cyclic loading until 10 cycles and thereafter was almost constant.
- 脛骨停止部の移動により弛緩された前十字靱帯の力学的特性の変化
- バイオエンジニアリング : 機械工学年鑑(2000年)
- 成長過程にある家兎膝蓋腱に作用する生体内張力と力学的性質 (バイオダイナミックス)
- ヒト膝蓋腱および前十字靭帯の力学的性質と大腿四頭筋筋力の関係
- In Vivo Measurement of the Cyclic Creep of Human Patellar Tendons Using Ultrasonography
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