中国の地域内格差: 広西壮族自治区と雲南省の比較
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This study investigated by a comparison analysis of the intra-provincial disparity between Guangxi and Yunnan using statistical data. These two provinces (autonomous region) belong to the southwest region of China, and are comparatively poor. First, this study showed the two provinces do not reach the national average in many economic indicators. Next, the intra-provincial disparity of the two provinces was verified by the prefectural data. Information on the city was deleted beforehand, and the analysis assumed to be an analysis of data from the rural area. Then, the comparison of the structure of the intra-provincial disparity in the rural area between the two provinces was statistically analyzed.A part of the factors for disparity are generally seen in the advancement of industrial structure and urbanization. Especially, data analysis at the prefectural level shows disparity, even when disparity is not found in the rural area itself. Disparity arises from the difference in the situations in the stages for developing from a rural area. Moreover, when a comparison of the kernel density function was done by using a statistical index, it was clear that the economic structure in the rural area is different between Guangxi and Yunnan.Since economic structure shows a difference, a common economic policy to both prefectures is not suitable for Guangxi and Yunnan. Obviously, each province has a separate government, so the possibility of developing a common policy is low, but it is certain that a policy suitable for the actual conditions of each province is desired. This is a future subject for more detailed analysis.JEL Classification: C14, O18, O53, R12
- 中国における賃金格差 : ── 地域間格差と業種間格差 ──
- 中国の省間所得格差と分配変動
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- 中国の工業部門の生産性と地域間格差
- 広西壮族自治区の地域内格差
- 鉄道輸送による中国の省間物流動向
- 中国の地域内格差: 広西壮族自治区と雲南省の比較
- 地域内所得格差と人口移動 : 中国江蘇省の事例