Experimental transmission in a fiber-radio system using a microwave photonic filter at 2.8GHz
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This paper deals with the experimental transmission of analog TV-signal in a fiber-radio scheme using a microwave photonic filter. For that purpose, filtering of a microwave band-pass window located at 2.8GHz is obtained by the interaction of an externally modulated multimode laser diode emitting at 1.5µm associated to the chromatic dispersion parameter of an optical fiber. Transmission of TV-signal coded on the microwave band-pass window is achieved over an optical link of 20.70Km. Demodulated signal is transmitted via radiofrequency using printed antennas. This communication scheme has a potential application in the field of FTTx network architectures.
Hernández-Nava Pablo
Instituto Nacional de Astrofísica, Óptica y Electrónica
Rodríguez-Asomoza Jorge
Universidad de las Américas, Depto. de Ing. Electrónica
Zaldivar-Huerta Ignacio
Instituto Nacional de Astrofísica, Óptica y Electrónica
García-Juárez Alejandro
Universidad de Sonora, Depto. de Inv. en Física