Spontaneous splenic vein rupture complicating liver cirrhosis: an autopsy case report
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A 70-year-old woman, who had hepatitis-C related liver cirrhosis died suddenly. Autopsy showed a massive retroperitoneal hematoma and ruptured splenic vein, as well as densely bloody ascites. This suggested that chronic and unnoticed retroperitoneal leak from the ruptured vein preceded the acute and fatal outcome of the intra-abdominal bleeding. Spontaneous rupture of the splenic vein is rarely reported in liver cirrhosis despite the presence of portal hypertension. This rare association is discussed with a literature review.
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- Letter to the Editor
- Spontaneous splenic vein rupture complicating liver cirrhosis: an autopsy case report
- C型肝硬変の経過中に脾静脈破裂をきたした1剖検例