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We examined the effect of agrichemicals on an important predator, Geocoris proteus Distant, which has been observed in Allium crop fields. Adults and 3rd instar nymphs of G. proteus were dipped in 67 pesticide solutions at a practical concentration. As a result, two of ten organophosphorus insecticides, one of four carbamate insecticides, two of six neonicotinoid insecticides, two of six insect growth regulators (IGRs), nine of eleven other synthetic insecticides, all microbial insecticides, all acaricides and all fungicides were determined to be harmless (<30% mortality) to adults and 3rd instar nymphs of G. proteus. The use of these pesticides should be recommended by integrated pest management (IPM) programs to control Allium insect pests, since they are regarded as being compatible with the conservation of G. proteus in the field.
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