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The aim of our study was to produce a new diabetic model by a single i.p. injection of various doses of streptozotocin (STZ) to 8-week-old male Institute of Cancer Research (ICR) mice. When STZ was i.p. injected at doses rainging from 75 to 200 mg/kg, in the group injected 200 mg/kg STZ, the non-fasting serum glucose levels markedly rose from 1 week after STZ administration and the high glucose levels were maintained for 9 weeks. The serum glucose levels in the group administered 100 mg/kg STZ were within a normal range at 1 week after STZ administration, but thereafter continued to increase gradually till 9 weeks. In contrast with the serum glucose levels, a marked reduction in the percentage of the relative numbers of β-cells in the islets of pancreas from 1 week in mice injected 200 mg/kg STZ was observed. On the other hand, in 100 mg/kg STZ mice, the number of β-cells was almost normal percentage at 1 week and then continued to gradually decrease as the time went on throughout 24-week-observation. These results indicate that only the 100 mg/kg STZ injection produces slowly progressive diabetes mellitus in mice. Low molecular weight (LMW) chitosan (chitosan lactate, average of molecular weight: 20000) was administered as drinking water from prediabetic stage (from 2 weeks after 100 mg/kg STZ injection). The 0.2% or 0.8% LMW chitosan administration prevented the progression of 100 mg/kg STZ-induced slowly progressive diabetes mellitus. The mechanisms, which LMW chitosan is effective in this model may be discussed on β-cells.
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