Development of Functional 1H MRI Probes Based on Nanoparticle Design
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Visualization of biomolecules in living bodies has attracted increasing attention in recent years. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a noninvasive technique that yields high-resolution structural information of deep anatomical regions; therefore, it has promising applications in the development of probes to visualize biological functions. By using stimuli-responsive polymers, we developed 1H MRI probes to measure the pH of aqueous solutions. The longitudinal relaxivity of P-Gd, a conjugate of n-octylamine-modified poly(SM-EVE) with Gd3+ complexes, increased as the pH of the solution decreased from neutral to acidic. Fluorometric investigation confirmed that the side chains of P-Gd were more rotationally restricted in acidic pH than in neutral pH conditions. In order to improve the magnitude of relaxivity, we developed novel probes C10-Gd and C30-Gd on the basis of cross-linked polymer nanoparticles. The relaxivities of these probes were measured, and the values showed that these nanoparticle-based probes also possessed pH-responsive molecular switches. In addition, their relaxivities were much larger than those of non-cross-linked probes. These nanoparticle-based MRI probes would be useful for the diagnosis of various diseases such as cancer and inflammatory diseases.
- 化学プローブのデザイン・合成によるタンパク質機能の可視化ツール
- in vivo イメージングを目指した可視化プローブ開発
- 緩和時間変化型MRIプローブのデザイン・合成・生物応用
- 緩和時間変化型MRIプローブのデザイン・合成・生物応用
- 1SP5-07 希土類金属錯体を用いたin vivoイメージング用プローブの開発(1SP5 若手研究者による生体金属分子分光学の新展開,第47回日本生物物理学会年会)
- MRI計測用緩和時間変化型化学プローブの開発
- 生体反応を可視化する^F MRIプローブ開発
- Development of Functional 1H MRI Probes Based on Nanoparticle Design
- Nano-sized Molecule: New Approach for Diagnosis and Drug Discovery
- 2SDA-04 生細胞内少数分子を調べるための蛋白質ラベル化技術(2SDA 新学術領域「少数性生物学-個と多数の狭間が織りなす生命現象の探究-」共催,少数個分子の協同が生み出す生命機能のメカニズム,シンポジウム,日本生物物理学会第51回年会(2013年度))