Ca2+ Imaging in Perfused Adrenal Medullae
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The Ca2+ imaging method was developed to explore changes in excitability in adrenal medullary (AM) cells in a large field in response to synaptic input and chemicals. The adrenal medullae of rats and guinea pigs were retrogradely loaded with Ca2+ indicator through the adrenal vein. Nerve fibers remaining in the adrenal gland were electrically stimulated to induce postsynaptic responses in AM cells, and chemicals were applied to the cells by adding to the perfusate. With this method, γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) was shown to increase the Ca2+ signal in almost all and 40% AM cells in guinea pigs and rats, respectively.
- 17.副腎髄質におけるGABAのパラクリン作用(第24回産業医科大学学会総会 学術講演会記録)
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- 潅流副腎髄質におけるCa^イメージング
- Ca2+ Imaging in Perfused Adrenal Medullae
- 11. ムスカリン受容体を介した副腎髄質カテコールアミン分泌と生活習慣病との関連についてノックアウトマウスを用いた研究(第30回産業医科大学学会総会学術講演・展示抄録集)