Fresh Water-Salt Water Interface Model and Hydrodynamic Dispersion Model in Coastal Aquifers
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The problem of the seawater intrusion into confined coastal aquifers is analysed with the use of two different models; a fresh water-salt water interface model and a hydrodynamic dispersion model. First, the outline is given of the fresh water-salt water interface model, describing the unsteady motion of the groundwater level and the interface through approximate equations, and of the three-dimensional hydrodynamic dispersion model, including the effect of pumping of groundwater. These models are then applied to the confined groundwater in the estuaries of the Naka and Kiki Rivers in Japan and phenomena of the seawater intrusion in both estuaries are simulated rather well by these two models. Finally, the two-dimensional model computations are presented in the vertical cross section of aquifer on the salt concentration distribution and velocity profile based on the dispersion model with both constant and velocity-dependent dispersion coefficients.
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