Studies on the Red Cell Metabolism in the Various Conditions of Diseases:Changes of Red Cell Metabolism as the Adaptation Mechanism for Tissue Anoxia
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The adaptation mechanism of red cell metabolism with special reference to 2, 3-diphosphoglycerate (2, 3-DPG) was studied for tissue anoxia under various disease conditions, i.e. anemia, hypogiycemia and thyroid disorders.<BR>The resuIts were shown as follows:<BR>1. The leveis of red cell 2,3-DPG were significantly increased in arlemia.<BR>The red cell glycolytic enzyme activities were elevated in anemia and were different among various kinds of anemia.<BR>2. In anemic rabbits suffering daily loss of bLood, the 2,3-DPG levels reached a maximum after 2 or 3 days and enzyme activities became elevated after about 2 weeks.<BR>3.2,3-DPG levels were found to be significantly increased in the red cells of normal rabbits incubated in plasma from anemic rabbits though they did not increase in the red cells of anemic rabbits incubated in plasma from normal rabbits, therefore it was considered that there was some mechanism to increase 2,3-DPG in the anemic plasma.<BR>4. Under in vitro examination, erythrocytes cosumed glucose even in a low glucose medium, but stopped consuming glucose in an approximateiy 0.8 mmole glucose concentration. And 2,3-DPG levels fell in a less than 1.9mmole glucose. However, red cell enzyme activities were not significantly changed in a low glucose.<BR>5. No changes in 2,3-DPG levels were found in high glucose medium, but 2,3-DPG levels were found to be lower in the acidotic medium.<BR>6.2,3-DPG levels increased in hyperthyroidism and fell in hypothyroidism. However, no direct effect of T<SUB>3</SUB> or T<SUB>4</SUB> on erythrocytes could be found, and no factors regulating 2,3-DPG levels were found in the plasma from patients with hyperthyroidism. A significant correlation was observed between the values of basal metaboiic rate and 2,3-DPG levels in patients with thyroid functlon disorders.<BR>Therefore the author considered that the high levels of 2,3-DPG in hyperthyroid cases were due to increased glycolytic metabolism in erythrocytes resulting from the adaptation mechanism in peripheral tissue anoxia, caused by their increased metabolism which was in turn induced by thyroid hormones.
- Japan Society of Clinical Chemistryの論文
- Studies on the Red Cell Metabolism in the Various Conditions of Diseases:Changes of Red Cell Metabolism as the Adaptation Mechanism for Tissue Anoxia
- Studies on the Metabolism of Erythrocyte for Tissue Hypoxia and its Clinical Application