Biennial changes in the positive rate of pepsinogen test in individuals with or without <I>Helicobacter pylori</I> infection.
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The subjects, consisting of 108 individuals (92 men and 16 women) who had no gastroduodenal lesions on workplace health screening, were divided into groups with or without <I>Helicobacter pylori</I> (<I>H. pylon</I>) infection, and examined for changes in the positive rate of pepsinogen (PG) test biennially for 6 years. In the anti-<I>H. pylori</I> antibody-positive subjects, the PG test positive rate was 13.7% at the initial examination, but increased to 29.4%, 31.4%, and 35.3% at 2, 4, and 6 years, respectively. PG test was negative in 58.8% of these subjects three times (for 4 years) and in 54.9% four times (for 6 years). On the other hand, none of the anti-<I>H. pylori</I> antibody-negative subjects were positive for PG test in the first 4 years, and only 1.8% were positive at 6 years. These results suggest that, in health screening by PG, subjects should be simultaneously examined for serum anti-<I>H. pylori</I> antibodies, that anti-<I>H. pylori</I> antibody-positive subjects should be tested for PG preferably at intervals of less than 4 years, and that anti-<I>H. pylori</I> antibody-negative subjects may be tested for PG at intervals of more than 6 years.
東 健
郡 大裕
上田 敬
森田 益次
森田 益次
加藤 卓次
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