A Study on the Management for Cystic Mass of the Pancreas, Following a Mass Screening of the Abdominal Organs by an Ultrasonic Method:Current Status of the Detection of Cystic Lesions and Relevant Prognostic Management
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The mass screening of upper abdominal organs such as the liver, gall bladder, pancreas, spleen, and kidney by an ultrasonic method (hereinafter, referred to as "US"), commenced in Kagoshima Prefecture in 1984, has been conceived so as to achieve specific results. However, its effectiveness for pancreatic diseases is lower than for the rest of the organs mentioned. In this study, we have investigated the current status of pancreatic cancer cases, with our main emphasis on cystic pancreatic cancer cases with a relatively good prognosis, and have also discussed relevant future measures.<BR>As a result, we can present the following findings: 1) Only 4 out of the 9 cases of cystic pancreatic cancer were originally detected as having cystic mass. 2) The post-operative size of cystic pancreatic cancer was found to be actually larger than the size of a cystic lesion reported at the time of the mass screening. 3) Various kinds of thorough examination methods were involved, depending on individual institutions (for example, at specialized hospitals, US+CT in 105 cases from a total of 265 cases, ERCP in 71 cases from a total of 265 cases, EUS in 28 cases from a total of 265 cases, whereas at other hospitals US only in 43 cases from a total of 148 cases, or CT only in 27 cases from a total of 148 cases). 4) A great difference in the rate of successful detection of cystic cancer between specialized hospitals and general hospitals was recognized: 71.7% and 48.6%, respectively.<BR>In conclusion, it is critically important for us to enhance our capacity to accurately read pancreas images at the US mass screening, and also to improve the accuracy of those thorough examinations involved thorough the application of a system management to them.
- 一般社団法人 日本消化器がん検診学会の論文
松元 淳
竹元 千代美
瀬戸山 史郎
嘉川 潤一
伊瀬知 毅
草野 健
渋江 正
竹元 千代美
嘉川 潤一
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