Holocene activity of the northern and southern marginal faults of Kamogawa Graben in the Boso Peninsula, central Japa n.
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The Kamogawa Garben striking W-E across the southern part of the Boso Peninsula is bounded of the northern marginal fault and the southern marginal fault. We examined the Holocene activity of these faults,<BR>(1) The northern marginal fault of Kamogawa Gaeben has no evidence of faulting since about 6,000yrs B. P..<BR>(2) The southern marginal fault of Kamogawa Gaeben has been active in the mean rates of vertical displacement of 0.2∼0.6mm/years in Holocene time. At least three faulting events are recognized and vertical slip of single event is 1.1∼1.4m. The mean recurrence interval is estimated to be 2,000∼3,000 years. The last faulting event occured before 1703 AD∼2,850 B. P..
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- Holocene activity of the northern and southern marginal faults of Kamogawa Graben in the Boso Peninsula, central Japa n.
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