Influence of foot-gripping strength training to Functional Reach Test and maximal step length, walking ability in healthy adults
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of foot-gripping strength training to Functional Reach Test (FRT), maximal step length and walking ability in healthy adults. Thirty six healthy adults were divided 24 people on training group and 12 people as control group. On training group, subjects were instructed to attend a 3 week‘s foot-gripping strength training program which consisted towel gathering, marble gripping and toe-gripping gait about 10 to 20 minutesfor one time, 4 times per week. We measured foot-gripping strength, FRT, maximal step length, gait velocity, step length, cadence of 10m comfortable walking and 10m maximum velocity walking before and after the training program. The results showed that on training group, significant improvement were found in foot-gripping strength per weight and 10m maximum walking speeds, FRT, maximal step length. These findings suggested that foot-gripping strength training can influence equilibrium FRT and maximal step length.
相馬 正之
東北福祉大学 健康科学部リハビリテーション学科
中江 秀幸
東北福祉大学 健康科学部 リハビリテーション学科
安彦 鉄平
相馬 正之
工藤 渉
五十嵐 健文
医療法人松田会 松田病院
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