An experimental study on CAVH (continuous arteriovenous hemofiltra tion)
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The efficacy of CAVH in removing the excess water was investigated using mongrel dogs. Following the ligation of ureters, the dog received saline intravenously. Then pumpless CAVH was performed. The changes in serum protein level, CVP and muscle water content indicated the improvement of pathological overhydration with CAVH. The sieving coefficient (SC) of Na, K and Cl was almost 1, and that of BUN and creatinine was 0.9. SC of total protein, however, was 0. These results indicate that CAVH is effective to remove the excess water improving the symptoms caused by it.
添田 耕司
Chiba University School of Medicine
嶋田 俊恒
Chiba Shakai Hoken Hospital
小林 弘忠
Chiba University School of Medicine
室谷 典義
Chiba University School of Medicine
小林 進
Chiba University School of Medicine
伊藤 靖
Chiba University School of Medicine
小高 通夫
Chiba University School of Medicine
佐藤 博
Chiba University School of Medicine
入江 康文
Chiba Shakai Hoken Hospital
桜井 信也
Chiba Shakai Hoken Hospital