Visible-Light-Absorbing Lindqvist-Type Polyoxometalates as Building Blocks for All-Inorganic Photosynthetic Assemblies
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This study reports that polynuclear charge-transfer complexes consisting of Ce3+ and a Lindqvist-type polyoxometalate center, either W6O192− or Mo6O192−, function as an all-inorganic visible-light-absorbing chromophore. The polynuclear W6O19/Ce and Mo6O19/Ce complexes showed an intense absorption band from the UV region to 520 and 600 nm, respectively. The FTIR and Ce LIII-edge X-ray absorption measurements confirmed that the visible absorption is due to the oxo-bridged W6+/Ce3+ and Mo6+/Ce3+. As polyoxometalates have efficient redox and catalytic properties, their visible-light sensitization could provide a new building block for fabricating inorganic, molecular-based photosynthetic assemblies.
橋本 和仁
Department Of Applied Chemistry School Of Engineering The University Of Tokyo
中村 龍平
Department Of Applied Chemistry School Of Engineering The University Of Tokyo
高嶋 敏宏
Department of Applied Chemistry, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo
高嶋 敏宏
Department Of Applied Chemistry School Of Engineering The University Of Tokyo
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