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The purpose of this paper is to develop an “East Asia linked CGE model” based on the “Asian International Input-Output Table 2000” (AIIO2000) compiled by JETRO/IDE to analyze economic and environment problems of Free Trade Agreement (FTA) . There are many studies on economic and environment problems of FTA using GTAP model because GTAP is rather easy to handle. GTAP model, however, cannot implement inter-industry and international analysis since the IO data base of GTAP is of competitive type. On the other hand, AIIO is a more powerful data base for linked CGE model since AIIO is of non-competitive type that records inter-industry transactions of goods and services among nations in detail.
- 国際貿易・環境政策分析用の東アジアリンク社会会計表の作成 : 2000年アジア国際産業連関表を用いて(創立40周年記念号)
- 産業連関分析モデルと東日本大震災による供給制約
- 東アジアの貿易と環境∼東アジアリンクCGEモデルによるシミュレーション分析∼