(2) Characterization and adsorption properties of selective adsorbents for high decontamination of cesium
- 論文の詳細を見る
Large amounts of high-activity-level water accumulated in the reactor, turbine building and the trench in the facility were generated from the nuclear accident of Fukushima NPP1 caused by the Great East Japan Earthquake, which resulted in the operation obstacles and environmental contamination. As of October, 2011, the circulating injection cooling system is effectively operated and the cold shutdown is completed, while the amounts of high-activity-level water are estimated to be over 200,000 m3 in future. However, at present, the treatment and disposal methods for the solid wastes (zeolites, insoluble ferrocyanides and crystalline silicotitanate) are not yet decided. In particular, there is no experience in the treatment and disposal of high decontamination solid materials such as insoluble ferrocyanides and crystalline silicotitanate. Hence the development of effective treatment and disposal methods are very urgent and important subjects. This special issue deals with the characterization and adsorption properties of selective adsorbents for high decontamination of cesium and the subjects for the treatment and disposal of solid wastes.
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- (2) Characterization and adsorption properties of selective adsorbents for high decontamination of cesium
- (3)高除染用複合吸着剤の開発および選択的吸着特性
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