キッカー電磁石に組込まれたフェライトの In Situ での脱ガス処理
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The usual way for reduce outgassing of a large structure in vacuum is to bake the whole vacuum chamber containing the structure. However, this method needs a huge heater capacity and there are limits caused by the heat expansion of the chamber. The solution is to raise the temperature of the structure inside without heating the vacuum chamber. This is achieved by installing a heat source inside the chamber and by inserting the heat shield between the structure and the chamber walls to direct the heat to the structure. In the particle accelerator field, it is often required to reduce outgassing of structures inside vacuum chambers. One example is a kicker magnet, which is installed in a vacuum chamber and consists mainly of ferrite and aluminum alloy. As known from former experience the main outgassing component from ferrite is water. We applied the above mentioned method to the outgassing reduction of such a kicker. We are able to direct most of the heat flow toward the kicker magnet by inserting the heat shielding plates and thus outgassing was successfully reduced.
荻原 徳男
日本原子力研究開発機構 J-PARC センター
神谷 潤一郎
日本原子力研究所 東海研究所
菅沼 和明
柳橋 了
荻原 徳男
神谷 潤一郎
日本原子力研究開発機構 J-PARC センター
引地 裕輔
日本原子力研究開発機構 J-PARC センター
西川 雅章
日本原子力研究開発機構 J-PARC センター
柳橋 了
日本原子力研究開発機構 J-PARC センター
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