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<B>Background:</B> Anterior shoulder dislocation is one of the most common injuries seen at emergency rooms (ER) and would be problematic if it became a recurrent instability. However, in fact, we fail to see most patients after the treatment at ER due to some reasons like complete pain relief obtained with reduction. In this study, we assessed the prognosis of the patients who underwent closed reduction with the diagnosis of anterior shoulder dislocation.<BR><B>Methods:</B> Fifty nine patients with acute anterior shoulder dislocation, who had undergone closed reduction at ER in our institute between March 2006 and December 2008, were retrospectively investigated with medical records and via telephone interview as of April 2011. The mean age at the time of injury was 35.9 years old.<BR><B>Results:</B> Of 59 patients who had closed reduction at ER in our institute between March, 2006 and December, 2008, 12 patients (20.3 %) came back to see an orthopedic doctor after the treatment for outpatient care. Regarding the telephone review, after an average of 3.5 years (2 to 5 years) from reduction, reconnection with the patient via phone was obtained in 30 cases (50.8%). Among the 30 patients, 20 patients did not return to the orthopedic clinic with the reason of self-judgment (65%) and visiting another clinic or osteopath (35%).<BR>Tenpatients (33.3%) experienced recurrent dislocation after the reduction at ER.<BR>The plausible factorthat affected the re-dislocation in this study was age at the time of reduction (P=0.025).<BR><B>Conclusion:</B> Our study showed the rate of re-visit was only 20.3%. It might be necessary for us to make more effort to educate the residents working at ER for the understanding of pathogenesis and prognosis of shoulder dislocation.
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