Tossy III度肩鎖関節脱臼に対する手術療法と保存療法の職場復帰時期の検討
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The purpose of this study was to compare the period of return-to-work between conservative and operative treatments for the acromioclavicular joint dislocation (Tossy grade III). A total of 40 shoulder injury cases of 40 patients participated in this study. There were 20 cases in the conservative treatment group and 20 cases in the operative treatment group. Clinical assessment was done on both groups using the JOA scores except ROM points (full marks 70 points) and the period from the injury to return-to-work using questionnaire survey by phone. The periods from the injury to the return-to-work were 3.5 weeks in the conservative treatment group and 13.8 weeks in the operative treatment group. The period was significantly shorter in the conservative treatment group than that in the operative treatment group. There was no significant difference in the JOA scores between the two groups. It has been controversial whether the acromioclavicular joint dislocation (Tossy grade III) should be treated conservatively or operatively. In this study, there was no significant difference in JOA scores except ROM points between the two groups. However, the period from the injury to the return-to-work was significantly shorter in the conservative treatment group than that in the operative treatment group. Therefore, our study suggested that the conservative treatment might be recommended for the acromioclavicular joint dislocation. The period from the injury to the return-to-work was significantly shorter in the conservative treatment group than that in the operative treatment group.
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