B 群溶連菌による化膿性肩鎖関節炎の 1 例
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A septic arthritis of the acromioclavicular joint is very rare, and 18 cases could be found in the literature. We experienced one case and performed surgical treatment on this case.<BR>A 50-year-old woman was admitted to our hospital complaining of severe pain in her left shoulder. The pain began the previous day and was accompanied by fever. The patient had no underlying disease. There was severe tenderness on her left acromioclavicular joint.<BR>The hematological examination revealed leukocytosis and C-reactive protein. The acromioclavicular joint showed an effusion on the MRI findings. Cultures from the acromioclavicular joint aspirate grew Group B streptococcus. On the fifth day from onset, we performed open irrigation and debridment, followed by distal clavicle excision. After 6 months the patient was free from pain and no limitation of movement was noticed.<BR>If antibiotics are not so effective, we suggested that adequate irrigation and debridment, followed by distal clavicle excision or resection arthroplasty of the acromioclavicular joint, lead to a good outcome.
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- B 群溶連菌による化膿性肩鎖関節炎の 1 例