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In the present study. we report on the effect of double diffusive convection associated with solute discharge in the early stage of unidirectional solidification from above. Two-dimensional miincrical simulations have beeti conducted to clarify the concentration, lemperatLire and heat flux on the solid-liquid interface under a constant solid layer growth rate. The moving boundar due to solid layer growth was formulated according to the boundary tracking method. l'he simulations were conducted by vaing the initial conditions: concentration, solid layer growth rate and heating temperature at the bottom. The effects of thermal and solutal Rayleigh number on the concentration and the convective heat flux at the solid-liquid boundary crc discussed, and the associated correlations to predict those values as functions of the initial thermal and solutal Rayleigh tiumbers as well as the speeds of solidification were derived. © 2012 The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers.
木綿 隆弘
金沢大学 理工研究域 機械工学類
木村 繁男
金沢大学 環日本海域環境研究センター
上田 将誉
金沢大学大学院 自然科学研究科機能機械科学専攻
小松 信義
金沢大学 理工学域 機械工学類
木綿 隆弘
金沢大学 理工学域 機械工学類
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