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The three-dimensional (3-D) density distribution of unsteady flow field was observed by using Laser Interferometiric Computed Tomography (LICT) measurement. A diaphragmless shock tube was used to produce shock waves with high reproducibility. In our previous study, density distribution of flow field was reconstructed by ART (Algebraic Reconstruction Technique). In this paper Hybrid ART is applied to LICT measurement to reduce the artifact of reconstructed image. In our case, a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation is applied to the 3-D flow fields as a CFD. Hybrid ART is the combination of CFD and ART. The reconstructed 3-D density distribution from CFD is used as the initial condition of ART. As the results reconstructed images by Hybrid ART are compared with ART, together with the precise discussion. In reconstruction results by Hybrid ART, it is confirmed influence of the density distribution interpolated initial distribution.
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