Mechanisms Enhancing Fibrinolytic Activity by Dextran Sulphate:Interaction between the Dog Plasmin Inhibitor and Dextran Sulphate in vitro
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It is well known that the administration of dextran sulphate (DS) enhances the fibrinolytic activity of the circulating blood. Furthermore, it has been shown that concomitant administration of urokinase (UK) and DS enhanced the fibrinolytic activity of UK alone. Nevertheless, the mechanism of enhancement of fibrinolytic activity by the administration of DS is not yet fully understood.<BR>In order to clarify the enhancing mechanism, the interaction between UK, DS and dog serum was studied using gel chromatography.<BR>The results obtained may be summarized as follows.<BR>1) On gel filtration of a mixture of DS and UK, it was found that DS did not interact with UK and did not enhance the fibrinolytic activity of UK in vitro.<BR>2) On gel filtration of a mixture of serum inhibitor and DS, it was found that the carbohydrate content in the DS fractions decreased and the carbohydrate content in the inhibitor fractions increased. Furthermore, the inhibitory activity against UK of the inhibitor decreased.<BR>Based on these results, it is suggested as a mechanism for the enhancement of fibrinolytic activity by DS, that DS combined with the inhibitor and the inhibitor'sactivity against UK therefore decreased.
- 一般社団法人 日本臨床薬理学会の論文
美原 恒
小杉 忠誠
須見 洋行
西本 憲一
須見 洋行
松尾 理
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- Mechanisms Enhancing Fibrinolytic Activity by Dextran Sulphate:Interaction between the Dog Plasmin Inhibitor and Dextran Sulphate in vitro