- 胸壁にみられた骨髄腫の1例 : とくにその穿刺細胞所見について
- G-4 胸壁にみられた骨髄腫の1例とその穿刺細胞診について(呼吸器その(1), 示説III, 第18回日本臨床細胞学会総会講演要旨)
- 6. 骨髄血中より癌細胞を検出し得た4症例(第2回 東北地方会講演要旨)
- 5. 経時的に細胞学的観察を行い得た制癌剤使用胃癌兼癌性腹膜炎の1例(日本臨床細胞学会第1回東北地方会講演要旨)
- HCFU, UFTについて
- (5)癌免疫化学療法の経験と評価
- Evaluation of chemotherapy effect of cancers by 18FDG (2-deoxy-2-fluoro(18F)-D-glucose) and positron CT.
- 18F-sugar analogue intake of heart in the rat treated with anti-cancer drug of anthracycline.
- タイトル無し
- タイトル無し
- Basic studies on sugar and lipid metabolism in the heart when adriamycin is administered.
- タイトル無し
- Induced hypertension chemotherapy for solid tumors based on functional characteristics of tumor vessels.
- Phase II study of TY-10721 ((Asp1-Ile5) angiotensin II) in advanced cancer patients for induced hypertension chemotherapy.
- Evaluation of image diagnosis of tumors by positron CT by using 18F-pseudosugar and 11C-methionine and chemotherapeutic effect on cancers.
- Phase I study of TY-10721 ((Asp1-Ile5) angiotensin II).
- タイトル無し
- Increased distribution of contrast media to tumor tissue by angiotensin IT-induced hypertension on dynamic CT images.
- Clinical phase I and II studies of TY-10721 (Asp1-Ile5-angiotensin II).
- A basic research on optimal dosage method from the viewpoint of pharmacokinetics of adriamycin.
- タイトル無し