振動病治療における温泉・理学療法の効果 (第43回日本温泉気候物理医学会総会) -- (振動障害の温泉療法及び理学療法<シンポジウム-2->)
- 論文の詳細を見る
Vibration disease is an occupational disease. It is a systemic disease, which impaires not only the peripheral circulatory and nervous functions but also the central nervous functions, and is caused by using vabratory tools such as a chainsaw or a rock drill for a long period.The present study was performed to elucidate the effects of physical therapy (therapeutic gymnastics) and balneotherapy on the patients with vibration disease.Sixty inpatients with vibration disease were divided into two groups. One, P group, was just received physical therapy and balneotherapy, and the other, D group, was given a vasodilating drug in addition to physical and balneotherapy throughout the test period. The observed period was 6 weeks. Items used for the evaluation and the judgement in this trial were subjective symptoms and clinical examinations. The subjective symptoms were observed 22 items consisted of palmar hyperhidrosis, insomnia, a heavy feeling in the head, numbness and pain of fingers or arms, etc., evaluating according to the five stage method before the trial, and 3rd and 6th week after the commencement of the trial. The improvement by two or more stages was evaluated as "effective".The subjective symptoms in D group became better with significant difference as compared with those in P group (p<0.01). The effective rate in D group was 83.3%, and that in P group was 40.0%. The clinical examinations were performed with respect to peripheral functions and blood chemistry before and after the trial. The peripheral function tests were consisted of cold immersion test, vibration sensation, pain sensation, grasp strength and tapping test. The effective rate in D group was 63.3% and in P group was 33.3%. There was a statistical difference between the two (p<0.05). The collective improvement, which was obtained by evaluating collectively the subjective symptoms and the clinical examinations, was found in 25 cases (83.3%) out of 30 in D group and in 11 cases (36.7%) out of 30 in P group, showing a significant difference (p<0.01).Thus, the effect of the physical therapy and balneotherapy on the patients with vabration disease was approximately 40per cent in this 6 weeks' trial.
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- 振動病治療における温泉・理学療法の効果 (第43回日本温泉気候物理医学会総会) -- (振動障害の温泉療法及び理学療法)