全身水浴による温度刺激ならびに連続泉浴による血中ホルモン動態と自律神経機能 (第43回日本温泉気候物理医学会総会) -- (温泉浴と内分泌(シンポジウム-1-))
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It has been generally accepted that the therapeutic effect of repeating hot spring bathing (base of balneotherapy) consists in alternation and normalization of diseased physiological functions of the body. Endocrine and neural functions act major rolls in these mechanisms. In the present paper, the effects of single bathing in hot and cold water and of long-term repetition of bathing were investigated from endocrinological stand-points. Increased secretion of plasma 11-OHCS was observed by body immersion in cold water (25°C) at 9AM and in hot water (42°C) at 9PM. No change of plasma level of this hormone was seen by cold stimulus at 9PM and heat stress by water immersion at 9AM. These results suggest that there are circadian difference of sensitivity in adrenocortical function to thermal stimuli by water immersion. Both plasma prolactin and renin activity increased by hot water immersion in contrast, cold stimulus caused the suppressive responses in both hormones. It can be postulated that other mechanism(s) than the sensitivity of endocrine gland may be involved in these responses.In order to investigate the effect of long-term balneotherapy on endocrine function, the change in circadian rhythm of plasma 11-OHCS was measured at 1 week interval in hospitalized patients. In general, diminishing in the amplitude and lowering of peak value were observed 3-4 weeks after starting of balneotherapy. Plasma cortisol level was measured at 7AM everyday during hospitalization for 28 days. The results showed that the possible existence of circaseptan rhythm of cortisol secretion by balneotherapy. Daily fluctuation became smaller approximately 3 weeks after the begining of therapy.Circadian rhythm of plasma cyclic AMP and cyclic GMP were measured to investigate the effect of balneotherapy on the state of autonomic nervous system. Although marked individual difference in the circadian rhythm of cyclic nucleotides was observed before balneotherapy, common and definite tendency of the rhythm was obtained approximately 4 weeks after starting of balneotherapy.These results suggests that normalization effect of balneotherapy can be reached 3-4 weeks after starting of therapy from the view-point of endocrine and autonomic nervous functions.
- 一般社団法人 日本温泉気候物理医学会の論文